Monday, September 16th 2024 21:54:50
Is it cold today?

This is me!

I came on your world on 21 december 2004 as a baby of 2600 grams. Mom and dad called me Unna Louise Diegenbach.

Kijk hoe ik mijn broertje banaan geef en hier nog een keer.

08-02-2000: My brother Clovis is born! Have a look

January 2009:I am 4, I go to school and I will have a baby brother or sister soon!

March 2007: I skied in France! Wonderful, you want to see the pictures?

July 2006: I start to talk a lot, and in all languages: "auto", "encore", "pakken", "chat", find out yourself what is Frendh and what is Dutch...

04-12-2005: Guess what? I can walk!

Unna: 7209 days!

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